← thE physicaL spherE oF conversatioN takinG placE
41.00 euro (+5 shipping)
Material: Ceramic
Size: Book for scale 110 × 175 mm
(Book is not included)
As the term ‘Ephemera’ is usually being used for ‘Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time’, it puts a hold on to this short liveliness. The work turns paper scraps, as the common side product of printed matter, into small/medium sized long living ceramic sculptures.
← thE physicaL spherE oF conversatioN takinG placE
41.00 euro (+5 shipping)
Material: Ceramic
Size: Book for scale 110 × 175 mm
(Book is not included)
As the term ‘Ephemera’ is usually being used for ‘Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time’, it puts a hold on to this short liveliness. The work turns paper scraps, as the common side product of printed matter, into small/medium sized long living ceramic sculptures.
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
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